Woman Of The Floating World

Woman Of The Floating World

Monday 7 November 2011

Yume No Ukihashi Opening Night

The new Ochaya in Hosoi Mura named 'Yume No Ukihashi' had its opening last night.
I attended a most wonderful, enchanting and fun evening.
We drank tea, sake and played games!
The Geiko-san danced, the Maiko-san danced and told stories...
Mizuko Okaasan presented to us the Tea Ceremony to finish off.
Such a great night and I wish them luck in the future.

Geiko Toshiki-san dancing her dance to a tale of a butterfly emerging into its new life.

 All the Maiko and Geiko including Mizuko Okaasan dancing upon the bridge on stage.

On the left, Toshiki-san dancing and on the right, Mizuko Okaasan giving a speech.
You can see me, on the left in my blue Yukata ^^

Yume No Ukihashi and all of its sisters, Ganbatte ne!!

Making Time

The other day, I was so busy and tired so could not upload this.
But...on that day, Jishaku Yuhara, one of my favourite patrons and good friends came to spend a little time with me.
As usual, we had a great time and he showed me a couple of his dances for Taishuu Engeki. He is a beautiful Onnagata hehe.
Thank you Ji-kun, for all the wonderful times we have together and for being such a lovely, warm person.

Friday 4 November 2011

Quiet Time

With sadly no-one online, I decided to visit Tempura again, for a small photoshoot.
I love to show off my new November kanzashi and new Maiko Kimono by Tenran.

Maiko-san in a hurry through the light tunnel to her next engagement...this was me trying to re-enact the hurrying Maiko in Gion, Kyoto, as they rush to their next parties.

 Just a nice photo of myself as the sun rises, then a shot of my scurrying Okobo feet, hoping to reach the bridge before I miss the sunrise ^_^

 Then here is myself as I practice a dance back the Ochaya, I have to imagine myself infront of an audience. It helps to perfect my moves and handling of the fans and furisode sleeves, the pressure is good pressure ^_^

Thursday 3 November 2011

Picture Perfect

Okaasan's photos of me have come through like she said they would!
I am so happy with them, really has captured my essence. I knew I would be so happy with them.
Thank you Kokoro Okaasan <33

There is a plain version too.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

A Great Day!

When you find your Okaasan, AND Obaasan online?
We all had a wonderful conversation and even helped a Shikomi of Arakawa in her steps to becoming Minarai.

Okaasan and I at the Arakawa Museum of Art.
I'm wearing my pretty blue Furisode with dark purple, green and gold obi. You can see the Kiri crest at the bottom of the Obi, the symbol of our Okiya ^_^

 Here is Okaasan, myself and Obaasan. Tiaan-chan our Minarai-to-be joins us later :D
The man in the middle photo is Mika Moriguchi-san, who was simply just passing by.

This is me and Okaasan, just after she'd taken some faceshots for my being Maiko-san ^_^
I can't wait to post them on here and show them off!

  The last photo is of myself, Shikomi Tiaan-chan and Okaasan. :)

Tuesday 1 November 2011

A Quiet Day

All was quiet at Arakawa Hanamachi.
My sister Kumiko-san joined me intime for an Ochaya opening but sadly no-one came. It must have been too early.
After she left, I visited Japan Project Garden for a photoshoot and came across someone who was new to SL that day.
He IM'd me right away asking me what a Geisha does...he was a little biased after all the hearsay that goes on in the western world...even in some parts of Japan where lots don't actually know of the Geisha and their occupation.
We sat quietly in one of the rooms and had a nice chat, where I educated him a little about the Geiko and Maiko. Of what we do and how we do it.

Hehe, I am so little ^_^

After this, I went back to Arakawa and visited the shrine to donate some Yen and pray to Ame No Uzume, our shrine to the God of Dawn and Revelry.
Picking up the heavy bachi, I bashed the gong after paying my respects in lindens.

The last thing to end my day, I took a beautiful picture of me, Miharu-san, stood atop the shrine hill, looking over my home...

Arakawa Hanamachi...the place that I belong.