Woman Of The Floating World

Woman Of The Floating World

Monday 31 October 2011

Playtime With A Friend

Jishaku-kun had been wandering at the hanamachi for a while.
I decided to greet him and have a chat...thankfully he wasn't busy.
Was nice, for him to invite me to a sandbox to show me some of his builds.
They are amazing! Sugoi ne!!
Schools, houses and even a Chashitsu (Small room where Tea Ceremony is held)!

 This is us as we sat in the small, cosy Ochaya or tea room. Everything is just so pretty, he is very talented.

Here we are in his Kabuki Theatre building. He had me giggling at his funny little dance for ages, I just couldn't resist getting a photo.

Ookini san dosu ^_^'
Thank you so much Ji-kun for spending time with me. I feel I know you a little more now, and you are definately more than just a patron of Arakawa.
You are an honoured friend of the Okiya and myself.
Ganbatte ne!

Thursday 13 October 2011

Debut At Opening.

Okay, so more patrons came than I expected. Even better!
It was a good thing as I made my debut to them as Maiko-san.
Again, Jishy-san was charming as ever, with his funny and sweet remarks.
Another hopeful-to-be arrived, and this was a great honour as we need more sisters.

Jishy-san and myself. Meditating...or he'd unleashed a bad joke and we were laughing. :3

Kumiko-san, my dear sister of Arakawa on the left, Rei-san hopeful-to-be, Jishy-san, Myself and Andrew-san to the right of the image.
A small but cosy company for a Thursday evening.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Simply Business Number Two.

A shot of my new Maiko Meishi.

Old Way Of Life. New Paths To Walk.

After two months of enjoying the way of a Minarai...
...I have become Maiko-san.

It was a most beautiful day for me! I popped online and there it was. A sweet notice by Okaasan Kokoro, saying how delighted with my work and dedication she is.
The notice then reading of how I've been promoted to Maiko stage. I am so happy!

Oneesan Minako-san and myself. This is where we spoke of my new Geimei. Geisha name.
My new name is Miharu. It means Beauty and Clear Skies/Sunny Days.

I'm thinking this for a new Meishi. Business card.

This is also the base for a painting. A friend is going to paint this for me in RL, for my Misedashi.

Sunday 2 October 2011

Triple Debut At The SS Galaxy!

At the SS Galaxy sims on the 1st October 2011, it was a very special evening indeed.
I was so honoured to be welcomed to witness the Eri-kae of both Ichisumi-san and Umeha-san!
Eri-kae translated literally means 'turning the collar'. As a Jr. Maiko's collar is completely red, a Sr.Maiko's collar is white in front with red in the back, signifying she is still in training.
The collar turning ceremony is where the Sr. Maiko turn to Geisha/Geiko, their collars going from red to full white to signify maturing into womanhood. What a sight it was, stunning.
Not only was it a night for the new Geiko, but it was also a special event for Sr. Maiko Umechie-san who had her belated Misedashi and Mizuage...Not to mention her San San Kudo with Umeha-san.

It started off when everyone was arriving.

 And more...

And more...until we nearly crashed the sim!

The three debutants looked stunning!

Umechie-san began the event with her dance of the Gion Kouta. A famous dance done by all Maiko and Geiko, but especially Maiko on their debut for Misedashi.

Then Umeha-san (left) and Ichisumi-san (right) followed with their modified version of Kurokami.

It was a beautiful event, a story or two was told, there was plenty of tea and sake going around. I am so humbled to have been invited personally to witness such a majesty of events.