Woman Of The Floating World

Woman Of The Floating World

Thursday 29 September 2011


I was graced with the presence of four honourable patrons this evening!
They seemed to enjoy the company and many kind comments were passed about how I looked stunning in my blue kikyo hikizuri.
Ji-san also made me blush, he was sending out some very sweet compliments on how talented he thought I was and that I made the impression of a Maiko upon him and the evening.

From left to right. Sooki Ying, Geiko Ayami, Myself Michiyo-chan, Jishaku-san and Shizu Moriguchi.

Sunday 25 September 2011

Quiet Evening

It was one quiet evening. I took a short walk to Hosoi Ichiba sim where I took a pretty photo of the red pillars that line the paths to the shrines in Japan.


Then I met up with Grace-san, who has recently become Maiko-san! She looked stunning in her kimono and new shiro-nuri makeup!
Cat-san also was there to honour us with her presence.

Friday 23 September 2011

An Inspiration And Graceful Presence

I thought my evening at Arakawa would be a quiet one.
...It was, but I was not alone!
Okaasan Kokoro graced the Hanamachi with her presence after a while and every meeting I have with her brings inspiration and joy. I was so honoured to have her ask me to try out the new Geisha dance-balls for upcoming shows.
She is beautiful and honourable. I am glad to have such a wonderful Okaasan.

Monday 19 September 2011

A Relaxing Evening

As I logged on, I found that Raziel Grace-san and Cat-san, two of my fellow Minarai Okiya sisters, had opened the Ochaya for an hour or so.
I decided to join them.
Grace-san kindly gave me the opportunity to play my Shamisen and Shakuhachi for our respected guest. It was a very lovely evening, there was plenty to talk about and I adored playing my instruments for the pleasure of others.

Then afterwards, I decided to dress up formally and visit Tempura Island. It is a beautiful place, I love the sakura trees, so bursting with bright blossoms.
The ground beneath them has turned pink though, hehe. The coming of Autumn/Fall has brought on the shower of petals.

Saturday 17 September 2011

First Ochaya Opening!

Oneesan Minako kindly sent out a notice for me.
...For me to open up and host at the Ochaya on my own! It was my first time and I was very nervous.
I soon realised there was nothing to be nervous about though. Only 3 patrons came but we had a lovely time, I served them tea and sake...and even played a song or two on my Shamisen.

Everyone looked so lovely, even those in their more 'casual' attire, hehe ^_^
I was happy to recieve some nice comments about my looks. It is what we strive for :)

Me playing my Shamisen for my guests :)

I cannot wait for the next time!

Monday 5 September 2011

Simply Business

All Arakawa sisters had received a notice from the group that was sent by maiko-san Yuriko.
It said that we should all create a meishi.
A meishi is basically a business card, usually consisting of a picture of the minarai, maiko or geiko that holds it, and also the name, rank and okiya, written in kanji.
I have created mine, once worn, it will show on the screen and when touched, it will give out a notecard that tells the patron about me. ^_^
My friend maiko-san Miehina had made one of the most cute ones I've seen, it said ookini (thankyou) in the cutest voice when I touched it!

Friday 2 September 2011

Ochaya Opening In The Evening

Raziel-san, Seacheou-san and myself decided to open the Ochaya for an hour or so.
I was nervous as it was my first opening, but it soon wore off as the patrons and I exchanged sentences hehe.
I can actually say I loved it.
Serving tea was very fun, I observed my sister Sea-san as she poured the water and offered to her chosen patron.
I managed to get the hang of it and not get my furisode sleeves wet or even knock anything over with them!

Not to mention...I also loved being able to wear Jr. Maiko kanzashi! This is the violet Kikyo kanzashi that I am wearing, to mark the month of September ^_^

A Dance In Progress

My sister of same rank, Raziel-san, invited me to watch her dance. She is having her Misedashi very soon and has to complete this dance, in line with a song to mark her debut as a Maiko ^_^
She is very talented and I hope to be like her soon.
I must practice, practice, practice! :D

Tea With Friends

I suppose you could call this an informal Ozashiki. I didn't plan it, just a couple of friends decided they wanted to have tea with a Geisha so I invited them over.
If I had more experience and had been at an Ozashiki earlier, I could've opened the Ochaya myself...but there are things I don't know what to do.
...Like closing once I have to go. I worry about disappointing people but this will be over in time.
Here are some nice photos of us sitting, having a soft conversation.

Thursday 1 September 2011

Relaxing at the Okiya grounds

While I'm not with my Oneesan or other sisters, I am relaxing at the Okiya grounds.
Here is a photo of me practicing my shamisen. I love my shamisen, has to be my favourite instrument next to the shakuhachi.
Shakuhachi is a sort of japanese flute, makes very lovely music!
I have to get in lots of practice as oneesan has asked me to help her in an upcoming show. I will play my beloved shamisen.

A Bond

Minako-san (Dreuzel Zwiers) was honoured for me to ask her to become my oneesan. As I was equally as honoured if more for her to accept!

Oneesan means 'older sister' and that is what she was to a young apprentice Geisha in the house.
She would mentor and the younger sister would go everywhere with her, to events, formal parties and occasions. Even on small outings for a treat after a hard month of work and studying.

We have yet to take part in the San San Kudo ceremony.
This ceremony was meant for marrying couples but for Geisha, it was the sisterly bonding. The younger and older sister drink from the same cup as they sit opposite at a table.
Here is where the imouto 'younger sister' takes her given geimei 'stage name'. This name will be her name for the rest of her Geisha life.